Senior Care Blog

For expert tips and advice about senior care.


  • Hospital Discharge Needs of Elders

    Elders have more health care issues and have more doctors’ office visits and more hospitalizations than their younger counterparts.  Where about one in four 18-44 year olds report no visits to a health care professional in the past year,...

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  • Continued Insights into Guardianship

    I started in my last posting with a Q and A with John Wank, President of the Illinois Guardianship Association.  He continues this second with his answers to our questions in this the second in a three-part series. You are General...

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  • More Insights into Guardianship

    As a geriatric care manager, I work with court-appointed guardians.  You may recall from a blog last December, Caregiver or Guardian, we talked about guardianship.  I had the really good fortune to speak with John Wank, President of the Illinois...

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  • Seniors and Depression and a Fix

    One of the most common health issues that seniors deal with is depression.  According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, the prevalence of depression among the elderly is 1 to 5 percent overall.  Yet, it is not a...

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  • Safer Senior Living – The Kitchen

    In my last posting I spoke to ways to improve the safety and accessibility of the bath for seniors who choose to age in place at home.  Some of the same preventive measures can apply to the kitchen, but...

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  • Safer Senior Living – The Bath

    I promised in my last posting to talk more specifically about what can be made safe for seniors who wish to age in place – room by room.  I am going to start with the room in the home...

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  • Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out

    As a geriatric care manager, we have knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease and its progression, less about its causes and its treatment, but we cannot know Alzheimer’s like a patient with the condition can.  I recently was introduced to the writings...

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  • Senior Moving Not Like Packing for College

    Deciding on whether to move and then deciding which senior residential option is best can be stressful for a senior and a caregiver, and then comes the move.  It is not as easy as packing a son or daughter...

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