Charlotte’s Blog

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How to Say No to Cancer

Who would say “yes” to cancer, you may be thinking, but saying “no” means you’re committed to the lifestyle changes that are different from the bad habits many of us have cultivated over the years.  And the changes require some investment of time and effort and sweat.  Yet, making changes could reduce people’s risk of dying from their bad habits by as much as fifty percent.  It varies a bit by type of cancer, so let me share some insights from scientific research.

Let’s start with some broad brush strokes.  Quitting smoking, embracing a healthy lifestyle, regular weekly physical activity and a balanced diet all contribute to a longer life…and a life that is full of positives like being able to take that vacation that requires hiking or walking to the beach or simply keeping up with the friends with whom you could spend your time off from work.

You’ve doubtless heard of the Mediterranean diet and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  Overall, this diet of fruits, fish, vegetables, olive oil and nuts reduces a person’s risk of mortality across the board, but it also lowers the risk of cardiovascular morbidity for cancer survivors by 58 percent.

Moderate physical exercise at least four days a week or more vigorous exercise at least two days a week.  Your return on investment is a 25% lower risk of mortality of death from all causes.  And for cancer survivors the mortality risk is lowered by 28%.

Quitting smoking at any time in life will decrease risk of cancer by 14% to 42%, and the  younger one is the greater the reduction in mortality.  For how many years has that Surgeon General’s warning been on the label of cigarette packages?

And these benefits come to those who have embraced these lifestyles all along as well as cancer survivors.  If you want to see the implications of lifestyle change across genders and categories or cancer go to the MedPage Today website and use the Search Assistant.

Charlotte Bishop is an Aging Life Care Advisor, Retirement Lifestyle Coach and founder of Creative Care Management, LLC, certified professionals who are geriatric advocates, resources, counselors and friends to older adults and their families in metropolitan Chicago.  She also is the co-author of How Do I Know You? A Caregiver’s Lifesaver for Dealing with Dementia.


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