Senior Care Blog

For expert tips and advice about senior care.


  • A Happy – And Well – Holiday for All

    It’s the season of holidays.  We started with Thanksgiving and then Channukah, and we have yet to tackle Christmas and the ringing in of The New Year.  They’re not just celebrations…they’re opportunities to spend important time with family and...

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  • A Live Well Retirement is Not Just About Money You’ve Saved

    Last week I talked about Ice Cream, Lunch and Light Bulbs as part of a retirement plan.  Those three and more help us to make it tangible what we want to support us logistically, socially and physically as we...

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  • Questions and Answers to Live Well

    Many of you have heard me talk about having a Live Well Blueprint as an anchor component to being prepared for a productive retirement. It’s not about the money you will need; that’s the domain for investment and financial...

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  • It’s Never to Late for Hip

    We’ve had a nice trend over the recent years, a trend in which hip fractures in America had been declining.  Alas, I said “had been”.  According to an international study staffed, in part, by researchers at the Harvard Medical...

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  • Ask the Doctor

    Don’t ask just any doctor…and don’t just ask your primary care provider (although they may have some insight)…ask a cardiologist who has lived to 95 years of age about the lifestyle choices that can get one to the “really...

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  • The New Pandemic That Has a Cure

    I’ve been hearing it from my clients, from my friends, from my family and from virtually every channel on my screen.  Virtually everyone has been exposed to it, but no one has yet to call it a public health...

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  • Memory Doesn’t Have to Decline with Age

    Memory decline doesn’t have to be part of a person’s aging process.  You may know that I have written a book on dementia, but memory decline does not have to be everyone’s story.  It’s almost a given that when...

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  • It’s Not All in Your Head

    Let’s talk about travel…time travel! We all are capable of travel at almost any age.  But what you may not know is that we all can travel back in time at almost any age…and we will become younger if...

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